Step #1: Picking your rock
Depending on who you are, you'll like a different kind of rock than the other 6,778,158,004 (and counting) of us; big, small, round, flat, or lumpy, whatever. The only thing is to pick a rock that you like. Not one your mom likes, not one your friend or your grandma's elderly friend from bingo likes. One that you like.
So take a walk and choose the perfect rock of your choice. But remember: no trespassing, breaking and entering or stealing from any one or multiple persons.
Step #2: Cleaning your rock
Of course in every case of domesticating a wild rock, you must first remove all dirt and grime from all parts of the body.
Avoid using non-natural soaps or chemicals, for this could harm your pet. Use a damp, soft rag or cloth to gently wipe off as much dirtiness as possible. Dry with soft cloth and allow them to fully air dry.
Step #3: Calming your rock
By this time the rock is most likely very scared. To reduce these levels and avoid attack, gently stroke and soothe the rock. Use soft and slow words. If response to talking is along the lines of growling or discomfort, stop and try humming. Observe reaction and stop if negative reaction is expressed.
Let your rock sit for a while and explore at their will. This will help them adapt and understand what is happening.
Step #4: Identifying your rock
The next step is crucial: you are identifying your rock's face. Sit back and observe which direction your rock walks. When it turns to a sound or smell, observe what parts of it's body are used. A big part of this is finding its eyes; without the knowledge of knowing where its eyes are, having the rock as a pet will be difficult.
Step #5: Naming your rock
After observing behavior and getting to know your rock, it is now time to name it. Base the name on personalisty and what you think the rock would like. This is another crucial part because one mistake, and not only are you stuck with a weirdly named pet rock, but the poor rock has to live with it it's whole life.
Step #6: Decorating your rock
Different people do different things after domesticating a rock in terms of decoration, and there are endless possibilities.
Some popular style are paint colors, google eyes, feathers, or fur. But you can do what ever you like and make sure no harmful substance contact the eyes or mouth.
Step #7: You're done!
You are now finished picking and preparing your rock. Stay tuned to read the second part on useful tips on raising and caring for your newly domesticated pet rock.