Friday, April 3, 2009

What Really Happens To Those Mysteriously Lost Thoughts...

There you are, it's a sunny day in Whereverville and you're strutting down the sidewalk to... wait, where were you going again? You come to an abrupt stop and ponder the route you, only seconds ago, were set on. Where were you going? Why couldn't you remember? After minutes of considering countless explanations, you silently concede to yourself that you are officially stumped and trudge, defeated, back home.

Something similar to the above second-person narrative (though quite exaggerated) has surely happened to all of us (usually in a less severe way). "But why?" is the real question we ask ourselves; and here's the real answer:

To sum it all up in two words: Thought Wizards. Thought Wizards have most likely existed long before mankind discovered them. Namely, ever since man's thoughts have mysteriously escaped their minds, Thought Wizards have been around to take them. The system of extracting thoughts is fairly simple. However, the processing of the thoughts afterward is extremely complex. These wizards use our stolen thoughts as a resource to perform various tasks in their everyday communities.

With their smallness and ability to become invisible, they are able to remain unnoticed by humans. Each wizard is appointed to a certain region in which humans inhabit to collect a certain amount of quality thoughts. The wizard enters through the auricle cavity and travels to the brain of the human. After performing a simple ritual, they search through the human's current thoughts and pick which thoughts are fit for extraction. An enchanted sack is the proper and, currently, only containing for human thoughts. After thought collection, they return to their own realm to receive compensation.

A source prefers to remain unidentified after revealing this information and is now under intensive protection. He also admitted that, as an act of revenge, he decided to simply tell the humankind about the Thought Wizards because of an intentional unjust conviction of a crime he did not commit.

If you incur the uncomfortable thought loss, panic frantically because there is a tiny wizard in your head, and the sudden thought change might cause them to not take your thoughts; or you're sheerly airheaded.