Thursday, April 2, 2009

Potatoe: Deadly disease or friendly veggie?

The Origin of Potatoe

Potatoe is an infectious disease believed to date back all the way to the 1500's. The disease is a vicious and fast-spreading disease normally inflicted to the pedicular area. The most common case consists of abnormally large inflammations on the feet of a still unidentified substance produced by the body once infected. The inflammations appear to be a series of over-sized boils which are extremely painful when any amount of pressure is applied to them.

The "pota" part of the name comes from the Latin word potaer meaning "disgusting". The ending of the word, "toe", was named according to where the disease normally exists: the toe or foot.

Infection begins at the inner sensitive part of the toe disregarding where the disease germ is passed to. It then proceeds to infecting the remaining parts of the toe, other toes, and rest of the foot. The germ is fast-spreading so can overcome the surface of the foot at a breakneck speed of only a couple hours. If untreated immediately, the boils spread to the rest of the body, covering any exposed skin between the foot and head.

Potatoe infections have been recorded since the early 1870's; after a Potatoe outbreak occurred. On August (now, statistically speaking, the month of most infections) 7, 1859, a small village just off of Milwaukee, Wisconsin was greatly affected by the disease. The disease killed the majority of residents but remained mostly in the boundaries of the small village for a few months; before it quickly spread to adjacent towns. With no warning, it spread at an alarming rate, affecting most of the remaining parts of the country. It killed about 14 million people and permanently destroyed thousands of other lives.

About eighteen years later, the greatest of the disease died off; miraculously not spreading to other countries. Leaving the United States population at a mere 14,213,000, approximately. Ineffectual research was performed for a cure for the disease until about seventy-five years later; when the serum used today was created.

Cause of the Potatoe germ has been theorized, by scientists, to have come from an alien cell traveling by asteroid. It was believed to be insentient but very infectious. The cell has, to this day, been unidentified by scientists. Complete research of the germ has been claimed as "impassable" by scientists due to the long duration of time since the original germ existed.

Potatoe prevents all victims from walking or performing any activity involving the foot. Any pressure applied to the inflammations worsens the condition, increasing the speed of the spreading. Once infected, the inflammations secrete the substance powering them and become a liquidy substance to further infect others.

Treatment includes a series of seventeen separate injections of only slightly effective serum. Immediate quarantine is required for any Potatoe infections as national law and immediate action follows. Treatment requires a minimum of 168 hours (one week) depending on the severeness of the infection. When treatment isn't performed, the feet soon become dysfunctional and after a certain state of foot infection, the germ shoots through the rest of the body infecting any exposed skin.

History of the potato, the vegetable, dates back to 1653, when the vegetable was first discovered. A Chinese man named Lee Ma Ming was infected with the disease and, the world not having much knowledge of the disease, he simply ignored it. During a day in the field, he discovered the vegetable in a patch of his onion plants. When he presented it to his wife, she responded by saying: "It looks like your Potatoe!" Thus, the potato was born.

Vaccination and a proper cure remain nonexistent and is still being studied in labs worldwide. For further information on symptoms, safety tips, what-to-do's, and other helpful information on Potatoe, you can visit Also, contact information along with much more is available on the Web.

ped·ic·u·lar [pèd ik yoo lər]

relating to the foot: having relation to the foot or foot area
· The pedicular area is usually smooth.

2. having quality of the foot: having quality or characteristics of the foot region

3. foot like:
being like or similar to a foot

*The meaning of the word "pedicular" in this article is different from the real-world meaning.

This article is based on strict fictional fact. Intentions are to educate you about the seriousness of the completely imaginary disease families, worldwide, are affected by. Please take this article not seriously and stay safe about the deadly disease that has affected many.